Cockroaches are believed to have inhabited the earth during the Carboniferous period, over 300 million years ago. Tropical conditions with lush vegetation, and swaps was an ideal environment for cockroaches to thrive. Although there are believed to be over 3000 species of cockroaches world-wide, five of the most common species that we deal with here in Toronto are listed below.
German Cockroaches
Description, Behavior & Habitat:
German Cockroaches (Blatella Germanica), have three developmental stages, egg, nymph, and adult. They are a light brown or tan in colour and have two black horizontal stripes behind their head. Nymphs are smaller and darker, almost black in colour. They average about ½ - 5/8th of an inch or 13-16mm in length.
German Cockroaches are the most common as well as most successful species of structural invaders found in Toronto. They have been more of a challenge to eradicate, as their population grows rapidly due to the large amount of eggs they produce in a capsule (30-48 eggs), as well as the short length of time it takes for the eggs to hatch and mature.
Although a female’s lifespan is only 20-30 weeks, two generations can produce 10,000 descendants over a one-year period. Both females and males have fully developed wings, and although they are capable of flying, they ordinarily crawl.
German Cockroaches are known as indoor cockroaches because they usually hitch a ride in bags, boxes, electronics and other infested items that are brought into homes. In multi-unit buildings, they travel from one unit to another using shared pluming. Their small size and flat bodies allow them to hide, as well as move in and out of cracks and narrow openings with ease.
Cockroaches prefer dark moist environments; therefore, they are normally found in kitchens and bathrooms when an infestation is in its early stages. If left untreated, cockroaches will spread and occupy every inch of your home. Like most species, German cockroaches are nocturnal and tend to be active primarily at night, however, in heavy infestations they can be seen during the daytime as well.
Due to the fact that cockroaches feed in damp unsanitary places, when living in our kitchens, they can transport bacteria, viruses and other pathogens from these sources to contaminate our food, utensils, and other surfaces.
Management, Prevention and Control:
Prevent a German cockroach infestation by inspecting previously used furniture and electronics prior to bringing them into your home, as well as boxes picked up in grocery stores or other food preparation facilities. If you suspect you already have a cockroach infestation…
Don’t delay, Call Delta Pest Control Today! 416 446 0278 or 905 737 1366.
Remove their harborages by following our housekeeping recommendations below, to help prevent, manage and/or eradicate an infestation.
Cockroaches thrive in a moist, warm environment, therefore, it is important to wipe the moisture from shower stalls/bathtubs, as well as sinks and countertops after use, particularly before bed.
Homeowners should fix leaky or sweaty pipes and taps, and tenants should report moisture concerns to their landlord or maintenance personnel immediately.
Clean behind stove and fridge on a regular basis in order to eliminate crumbs and spills.
Cabinets and countertops should be free from food and routinely cleaned with a mild detergent.
All loose and lightly packaged foods should be placed in clear plastic containers with lids, to reduce food for the roaches and prevent contamination.
American Cockroach
Description, Behavior & Habitat:
American Cockroaches, Periplaneta Americana, have three developmental stages, egg, nymph, and adult. They are reddish-brown in colour and have a yellowish edge on the thorax, behind their head on the body region. Both males and females have fully developed wings that cover their entire abdomen. Males wings extend slightly beyond the tip of the abdomen. Although American cockroaches are capable of flying, they rarely do. They average about 1 to 2 inches or 4mm-7mm in length making them one of the largest species of all common cockroaches. Females carry between 14-16 eggs in a casing (ootheca), producing this casing on a weekly basis. The eggs take just over 1 month to hatch after they are laid. Females can live for up to 15 months and therefore average 800 offspring during their lifetime. Cockroaches prefer dark moist environments; therefore, they are normally found in Kitchens and bathrooms when an infestation is in its early stages. If left untreated, cockroaches will spread and occupy every inch of your home. Like most species, American cockroaches are nocturnal and tend to be active primarily at night, however, in heavy infestations they can be seen during the daytime as well. Although American cockroaches can breed outdoors and migrate indoors when temperatures drop, they are usually brought into homes from grocery stores and food preparation facilities. American cockroaches will feed on anything including paper and glue but prefer decaying organic matter. Adults can survive two to three months without food, but only one month with water. Due to the fact that cockroaches feed in damp unsanitary places such as sewers, garbage disposals etc., when living in our kitchens, they transport filth from these sources to contaminate our food, utensils, and other surfaces.
Management, Prevention and Control:
Prevent a German cockroach infestation by inspecting previously used furniture and electronics prior to bringing them into your home, as well as boxes picked up in grocery stores or other food preparation facilities. If you suspect you already have a cockroach infestation…
Don’t delay, Call Delta Pest Control Today! 416 446 0278 or 905 737 1366.
Remove their harborages by following our housekeeping recommendations below, to help prevent, manage and/or eradicate an infestation.
Cockroaches thrive in a moist, warm environment, therefore, it is important to wipe the moisture from shower stalls/bathtubs, as well as sinks and countertops after use, particularly before bed.
Homeowners should fix leaky or sweaty pipes and taps, and tenants should report moisture concerns to their landlord or maintenance personnel immediately.
Clean behind stove and fridge on a regular basis in order to eliminate crumbs and spills.
Cabinets and countertops should be free from food and routinely cleaned with a mild detergent.
All loose and lightly packaged foods should be placed in clear plastic containers with lids, to reduce food for the roaches and prevent contamination.
Oriental Cockroaches
Description, Behavior & Habitat:
Oriental Cockroaches, (Blatta orientalis), have three developmental stages, egg, nymph, and adult. They are a shiny dark brown to black in colour and are about 1 inch or 25 mm in length. Both females and males have wings, but neither are able to fly. Females deposit about 16 eggs in a casing (ootheca), which hatch in approximately 2 months. Females live anywhere between 5-26 weeks and can produce 200 offspring in their lifetime. Oriental roaches tend to be more sluggish than other roaches. Like other species, they will feed on anything, but prefer decaying organic matter. They are also known as water bugs because they thrive in cool, dark, moist environments both indoors and out. Outdoors they are found in sewers, and around sewer drains, near yard waste, under porches, in water valve pits, under mulch in gardens, as well as garbage dumps. Indoors they prefer to live below ground level and are primarily found in bathrooms, basements, crawl spaces, laundry rooms, near leaks and drains. Oriental roaches are usually found outdoors during warmer weather but tend to migrate indoors during a dry spell in search of a cooler more humid environment. They may enter homes through garbage chutes, food packages, air ducts and any crack and crevice. Due to the fact that cockroaches feed in damp unsanitary places, when living in our kitchens, they can transport bacteria, viruses and other pathogens from these sources to contaminate our food, utensils, and other surfaces.
Management, Prevention and Control:
Prevent an Oriental cockroach infestation on the exterior of your home, by eliminating standing water, debris, and organic matter. If you suspect you already have a cockroach infestation…
Don’t delay, Call Delta Pest Control Today! 416 446 0278 or 905 737 1366.
Remove their harborages by following our housekeeping recommendations below, to help prevent, manage and/or eradicate an infestation.
Cockroaches thrive in a moist, warm environment, therefore, it is important to wipe the moisture from shower stalls/bathtubs, as well as sinks and countertops after use, particularly before bed.
Homeowners should fix leaky or sweaty pipes and taps, and tenants should report moisture concerns to their landlord or maintenance personnel immediately.
Clean behind stove and fridge on a regular basis in order to eliminate crumbs and spills.
Cabinets and countertops should be free from food and routinely cleaned with a mild detergent.
All loose and lightly packaged foods should be placed in clear plastic containers with lids, to reduce food for the roaches and prevent contamination.
Brown-banded Cockroach
Description, Behavior & Habitat:
Brown-banded Cockroaches (Supella longipalpa), have three developmental stages, egg, nymph, and adult. They are a light brown colour and have two brownish bands across the body on the abdomen. They are about ½ inch, 12.5mm in length, and are one of the smallest common species of cockroaches. Both males and females have fully developed wings, but males are more likely to fly when disturbed. Females produce about 13 eggs in a capsule (ootheca), which take between 1-3 months to hatch depending on environmental conditions. Each female can live for 13-45 weeks, producing about 600 offspring per year. Like other species, Brown-banded cockroaches will feed on anything but prefer paper, glue and other starchy materials. Unlike most other cockroach species, they prefer warm, dry locations. Indoors, they are typically found in kitchens, near refrigerator motors, pantries, upper cabinets, furniture, and ceilings away from water sources. If left untreated, Brown-banded cockroaches will spread and occupy every inch of your home.
Management, Prevention and Control:
Prevent a Brown-banded cockroach infestation by inspecting previously used furniture and electronics prior to bringing them into your home, as well as boxes picked up in grocery stores or other food preparation facilities. If you suspect you already have a cockroach infestation…
Don’t delay, Call Delta Pest Control Today! 416 446 0278 or 905 737 1366.
Remove their harborages by following our housekeeping recommendations below, to help prevent, manage and/or eradicate an infestation.
Brown-banded cockroaches thrive in a dry, warm environment; therefore, it is important to clean behind stove and fridge on a regular basis in order to eliminate crumbs and spills. Sanitary conditions will prevent their spread.
Wipe countertops and sinks prior to any food preparation to prevent cross contamination.
Homeowners should caulk cracks and crevices like moldings etc. in bedrooms, dining rooms, and other areas where cockroaches are seen.
Cabinets and countertops should be free from food and routinely cleaned with a mild detergent.
All loose and lightly packaged foods should be placed in clear plastic containers with lids, to reduce food for the roaches and prevent contamination.
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach
Description, Behavior & Habitat:
Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches (Parcoblatta pennsylvanica), have three developmental stages, egg, nymph, and adult. They are dark brown with a yellowish outline on the sides of the thorax and wings, and are about ¾ - 1 inch, 19-25mm in length. Females have short wings and are unable to fly, while males have longer wings and are able to fly for short distances. Females can lay approximately 32 eggs in a capsule (ootheca) which hatch in a about a month’s time. Wood cockroaches prefer timbered areas with little ground cover, hence the name, and are usually seen on the lower branches of oak and elm trees after dark. They have also been found nesting under loose bark, in woodpiles, stumps and hollow trees. Wood cockroaches feed primarily on organic matter. They are considered occasional structural invaders as they favor the outdoors but can wander into structures particularly during May and June (mating season), attracted to light at night. Wood cockroaches have also been spotted in rain gutters, under shingles and inside garages. Living in wooded areas, having cedar shingles, as well as using infested firewood, increases the probability of an indoor infestation.
Management, Prevention and Control:
Prevent Pensivania Wood cockroaches from infesting your home by:
On the exterior, eliminate woodpiles abutting your home, as well as hollow trees and stumps.
Remove their harborages such as free standing water, debris, and organic matter from around your home.
Inspect firewood brought into the home.
If you suspect you already have a Wood cockroach infestation…
Don’t delay, Call Delta Pest Control Today! 416 446 0278 or 905 737 1366.
416-446-0278 or 905-737-1366